9-amethyst make you marry soon

9-amethyst make you marry soon

Method to expedite marriage or to being a new relationship:

1) Look for the location of the annual flying star 9, and hang a string set of 9 amethyst crystals to expedite marriage or being a new relationship.

2) For those who are single and unattached, display a set of wedding couple figurines and a string set of 9 amethyst crystals in the sector of the bedroom based on:

i) one’s own Flower of Romance Star (based on Chinese animal horoscope of one’s year pillar), or ii) one’s own marriage star based on his eight characters (For men, the element conquered by Day Self Element represents the wife. For women, the element which conquers Day Self Element represents the husband.)

3) For those who are in a relationship for many years but the other half shows no signs of getting married, it is recommended to display a set of wedding couple figurines and a string set of 9 amethyst crystals either in the sector of the house or bedroom based on one’s personal Flower of Romance Star or Marriage Star direction.


  1. 尋找流年『九紫喜慶星』飛臨『卦位』吊掛『九紫水晶組』可催促當年喜事早定。
  2. 一直都沒有戀愛對象,個人房間的本命桃花位或八字姻緣位擺放一對『新娘玩偶』,並在個人本命桃花位或八字姻緣位加吊一串『九紫水晶組』,如此可催促早日找到對象。
  3. 或是已經戀愛多年,另一半卻遲遲不定,則建議在房子或個人房間的本命桃花位或八字姻緣位擺放一對『新娘玩偶』,並在個人本命桃花位或八字姻緣位加吊一串『九紫水晶組』,如此可催促喜事早定。

Marry soon position: (個人姻緣位找尋圖文)


在〈9-amethyst make you marry soon〉中有 1 則留言

  1. 九紫水晶安放催姻緣早到使用訣:


    ※ 過一陣子或每二個月左右宜持誦『北斗神咒』再加持一下,可保長期有效。

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