


  1. 要專以造福作生基之人為主,首先要查看造生基者的八字、大運喜忌和流年吉凶。
    a. 補八字五行之不足。(用五行水晶補助)

    b. 再參酌人命配卦。(取生氣、延年、天醫、伏位方安置,符合生命磁場)
    ※ 務求巒頭、坐山、卦位與造生基者之命五行相配,相生相扶;令造生基者增進元辰,促進生機旺盛,所求如願,求財速得財應,升官顯達,事業順利,求學考試如願上榜,夫妻和好婚姻如意,子息光明,求醫治病立得回春、得福延壽等等…

  2. 要獲得龍穴寶地,造作、立向得宜,收旺山旺向,並水龍得氣,才能蔭助造生基者。(要龍、穴、砂、水、向俱吉,行龍經剝換、起頂、開帳、過峽、束氣、落脈、結穴始為真。)
  3. 要有造生基者之身上靈物;a. 抽血至少50cc~100cc,傳達龍穴能量到造生基者身上。b. 頭髮。c. 手、腳指甲,越多越好。d. 穿戴過之衣褲、手巾、領巾、襪子等使用過的東西。
  4. 要運用佛道密法加持身上物品。
    a. 為造生基者書寫疏文,禱告天神、地靈,山神、土地公等。
    b. 為造生基者消災補運,誦南、北斗經等。
    c. 以奇門遁甲符咒加持身上物品。
    d. 敕書九天玄女符錄保護不受外靈侵擾佔據。
  5. 擇催發日課安造生基者之生基寶盆。(造生基擇日有相當的擇日學問和禁忌要求,非一般擇日。)




聯合勸募修繕、莊嚴佛寺道場 功德迴向表單下載:







  1. 自由捐款不限金額,只希望能發心贊助修塔、造佛寺、莊嚴道場,將功德迴向即可者。
    (※ 聚賢禪寺住持仍然會幫助開文幫其做功德迴向等。)
  2. 每個月或不定期捐款,希望累積到相當金額後,也要嘗試造運做生基。
  3. 直接一次繳交功德款並請幫忙擇期『造運做生基』。
    (※ 為求信眾能得好的感應,會有多種配套措施。)

聚賢禪寺住持─九龍堂主 謝老師,靜觀居士 賴老師 合十敬啟

9-amethyst make you marry soon

9-amethyst make you marry soon

Method to expedite marriage or to being a new relationship:

1) Look for the location of the annual flying star 9, and hang a string set of 9 amethyst crystals to expedite marriage or being a new relationship.

2) For those who are single and unattached, display a set of wedding couple figurines and a string set of 9 amethyst crystals in the sector of the bedroom based on:

i) one’s own Flower of Romance Star (based on Chinese animal horoscope of one’s year pillar), or ii) one’s own marriage star based on his eight characters (For men, the element conquered by Day Self Element represents the wife. For women, the element which conquers Day Self Element represents the husband.)

3) For those who are in a relationship for many years but the other half shows no signs of getting married, it is recommended to display a set of wedding couple figurines and a string set of 9 amethyst crystals either in the sector of the house or bedroom based on one’s personal Flower of Romance Star or Marriage Star direction.


  1. 尋找流年『九紫喜慶星』飛臨『卦位』吊掛『九紫水晶組』可催促當年喜事早定。
  2. 一直都沒有戀愛對象,個人房間的本命桃花位或八字姻緣位擺放一對『新娘玩偶』,並在個人本命桃花位或八字姻緣位加吊一串『九紫水晶組』,如此可催促早日找到對象。
  3. 或是已經戀愛多年,另一半卻遲遲不定,則建議在房子或個人房間的本命桃花位或八字姻緣位擺放一對『新娘玩偶』,並在個人本命桃花位或八字姻緣位加吊一串『九紫水晶組』,如此可催促喜事早定。

Marry soon position: (個人姻緣位找尋圖文)


網路看風水my network to see feng shui

網路看風水my network to see feng shui

Goh Poh Chuan
Master xie , may I know do u come to Singapore ? I need a good master to consult my house fengshui . Or do u have any good fengshui master u can recommend me in Singapore? Because I went through what u have advise in Facebook .. I can tell u are a good master and u really have the kong fu in fengshui .

I had gone to Singapore the end of 2012, and thanks for your compliment, I can long distance to see feng shui If there have Google Map to use.

Then, there is the need for your phone webcam function, please if you have a video chat with me with SkyPe using cell phone photos taken of your house video pass through my computer, and then you walking and recording and presentation of your house, so that just like me to went to the scene to see feng shui.

Another thing you need to provide your home floor plan to me, I will use Google Map to locate your house to sit, and then set into the floor plan of my feng shui chart, so I can analyze your house where is good or bad and give you Feng Shui layout and good fortune opinions.

再就是你要提供您家的平面圖給我,我會用Google Map來定位您房子的坐向,然後將平面圖套入我的風水圖表,如此便可分析您房子的吉和凶,並給您風水佈局和趨吉避凶的意見。

This is my network to see feng shui. Of course, is the need to charge fee, but it can save a lot of feng shui travel price and my time.



戀愛占卜→love divination

戀愛占卜表單Love divination form

Divination depend on the time you fill in the digital and upload to my e-mail.`


Long Distance Pay divinations, accuracy is the same as to divination face to face, but for your sincerity and integrity, please remittance transfer firstly.

Business success factors

Business success factors

No matter what you sell that a company or a store business success factors depends on the conditions like:

1. The timing of your individual wealth, knowledge, experience, personnel, management, financial capability, etc

2. Market conditions and economic sentiment issues.

3. Individual efforts

4. feng shui factors (days chasing, fleeting, feng shui layout)

5. choose an auspicious day to tie access (zodiac, house direction, optional orientation to make a strengthen the explosive force) etc.

6. Named

7. put feng shui products to help company or store to earn money and grasp customers.


1. 個人財運、知識、經驗、用人、管理、財務等
2. 市場環境和經濟景氣問題等
3. 個人的努力
4. 風水因素﹝天運、流年、佈局功夫﹞
5. 擇日取用﹝要配合主命、宅向、神位、催動方位等
6. 公司或店的命名
7. 擺放風水產品來幫助生意和抓住客戶



Thousand Gold cannot buy a pithy formula.


as i find flying stars too generic and basic. What happens, for example, if you place a chart over an apartment and two sectors cover one room, then what, which stars operate? does one part of the room have one set of stars and the other part have another set?

My Chinese translation:



  • 上文是摘錄一FB Group的討論文章



Saw the Indian Feng Shui teacher this kind of theory, originally wrote the following words to respond:


I like your enthusiasm and selfless talk, but from you talking about the above conversation that will know you and your teacher’s level of feng shui, you are taught lacked a feng shui formulas, it is difficult to break through the bottleneck of feng shui. If you want, send me a dollar, I can point out to you.


But over one night I delete the text


On the network not to offend people, otherwise generate much controversy cause trouble to ourselves, to say rationale well! That will happen to me to cheap sale feng shui knowledge, ah!


Learn feng shui friends, can you find out what is her blind spot ?