drenching water on head-02

Committing Incest – drenching water on head-02



The house or the grave was built in two ravine below, that so called drenching water on head will occurred committing Incest. Finally, it will make a family retreated and spawned extinction.

feng shui and bad peach blossom

feng shui and bad peach blossom

1. 風流老爸,風流兒

#1. Distinguished and admirable Dad & Son

In a family, may one of brothers have 2 or 3 wifes, and his son do the same thing, this should be influenced by feng shui. In the so-called feng shui peach points (陰宅或陽宅Yin or Yang house),or peach water phenomena, such as to subdivision, can be divided into; One is to attract someone else; another is for people to provoke me, which depends on the water’s coming or going phenomenon.

2. 亂倫淋頭水
在這社會中也有一悲哀現象,就是亂倫問題,父女、母子、父媳、兄嫂等搞亂七八糟的事,嚴重的話,產生智障低能兒問題。此現象可能是祖墳葬到或陽宅建逢『淋頭水』現象。久居之後, 因亂倫因果將導致破敗絕丁或孤老終身。

#2. Committing Incest – drenching water on head

Committing Incest may be due to a bad ancestor’s yinzai FS, or bad Fengshui of the home such as; the “rinsing head” phenomenon. This is one of the worse kind of FS that may leads to committing incest which leads to broken family, and eventually leads to solitary for the rest of the live.

3. 穢氣傳家聲

#3. Bad smell spread to the whole family’s reputation

Toilet locating at the four main directions NSEW means the home owner will very likely to be having an affair. This is one of those bad peach blossom locations.


Teach you to see feng shui

Teach you to see feng shui

step 1. 測量房子方向─Measurement house direction

step 2. 畫房子平面圖─Drawing a house plan

step 3. 找出房子的中心點,套入風水羅盤─Identify the center of the house, set into the feng shui compass

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Will Obama be impeached?-2

Will Obama be impeached?-2

Rewrite a Gua according to Monica’s question:

Here’s the way I see it: The subject represents both the USA and Obama.

The Object, the people. No support from the people. Object is totally vanishing and clashed by day, month and hour. I believe it shows Obama has lost his support and the American Constitution will be what saves the country. If you look at the moving line, as a Parents line, it represents the Constitution. It’s a contract with the people, a tiger, strong and moving. While it moves, it hurts the Officer/Ghost. There is no support already for the Officer/Ghost anyway. Object, Wife/Wealth is totally vanishing and clashed away by the day, month and year. I don’t think the Chou-Si-You combination is enough to support the object and save the President’s job. The Object is totally vanishing and clashed away…so where would he get water to support the Subject Mao? The Brothers lines are very strong earth, and would overwhelm the weak and unsupported wood of the Officer/Ghost. He’s being buried by Congress and the House of Representatives. Even his own party is turning against him. The Bird represents the Press…(a free press is essential to the Freedom of any country and almost considered “holy” to the Founding Fathers of this country) And the Press have found out this week that their phones were tapped in the Press Room at the White House. They will not protect him. I do think the combination helps the future Officer/Ghost and may be strong enough to save the country when you figure in the moving line. While it’s moving though, the Constitution (yao 1) is burning Mao (Obama) and by doing that it’s feeding the earth in yaos 2 and 3…so they can bury him. After the moving line arrives in the future hexagram, it becomes Offspring Yin. I believe that this represents our Country…weakened, but still a Tiger. Wu and Yin combine in June, so I believe that in June even more details will come out about Constitutional provisions that were put there to protect the people from just such tyrants. What say you?

Dear Monica:

  1. Shiyao(世爻) (represent Obama) same as Officer/Ghost (官鬼),that was weakly
    but supported by
    Yīng yáo(應爻─Object). That main what? I thought that even Obama is not trusted, but he still protected by the objector.
  2. We know that Offspring Yao(子孫爻)strike Officer/Ghost 官鬼爻), I thought that Offspring represent American People, although, they were felt that the events Obama done was wrong. But the people need their president to lead this county’s economical etc. A part of people was angered, but the strength is weak. Due to Offspring was deathly and restrained by Month & moving line (動爻).
  3. Moving line same as Parent Yao (it could be represent American Constitution), American Constitutions will protects the president to against people.

Sincerely yours;

9-dragons consultant
Haoran Xie

Will Obama be impeached?

  • Question: Will Obama be impeached?
    • The past few days the Obama administration has had multiple and extremely concerning secrets come to light. It is after all period 8…and things are being uncovered. Some of those “secrets” if proven are not only impeachable offenses, but could even result in jail time. So, I asked the question.

    Chinese Astrology & Feng Shui Network


  1. 世爻(Obama)旺相,且剋應爻(attacker),應爻值死且逢空;代表想要發起彈劾者沒有力量。
  2. 世爻(Obama)旺相,代表他的氣勢很旺,無懼於此事件。
  3. 官爻值旺相;代表這事件表面上會有一些麻煩和威脅,還好子孫爻發動剋制且還生助世爻(Obama),子孫代表子民,也就是說美國民眾挺他。
